Abdul Waheed (Late)

Abdul Waheed Memorial Blood Donor Society

In Memory Of My Beloved Father Who Always Wanted To Help Others In Time Of Need & Inspired Me To Do The Same. May Allah Have Mercy On His Soul & May He Always Rest In Peace. Do Pray for My Father, Me & The Blood Donor Team for this Humble Effort.-- Regards, Usman Waheed Chaudry


Abdul Waheed Memorial Blood Donor Society Dedication !


This Blood Donations Society is Launched purely on Humanitarian grounds to help save lives. It has . "No Political Affiliations" and does not belong to any "N.G.O".

There are No Charges of becoming a member & this Society is basically a Platform through which we can help each other at times of Medical Emergencies and is working on voluntary system. If any member of the society asks for money or any financial benefits, its that person's own act and the society will not be held responsible for an individual's act. We would appreciate if such a person is reported to us so that he/she may be removed from the list of our Generous Members.

Furthermore, the person who requires blood and finds a donor would be responsible to get all the mandatory tests and screening required and upon clearence would transfuse or use the donor's blood. The Blood Donor Society will not be held responsible in result of any disease which resulted from blood transfusion. We again repeat that its just an information platform through which we give out information of donors who volunteer to donate blood.

Similarly it is an individual's own moral responsibility not to volunteer and get himself registerd as a Blood Donor, if he/she has a disease which forbids to donate blood e.g hepatitus A,B & C or a person who does not has hepatitus but is a hepatitus carrier. Again if such a person donates blood and the patient gets infected the Blood Donor Society Cannot be held Responsible as it is the carelesness of both the donor and the person who is taking blood without necessary screening tests. 
Allah has given man a position of honor. "We have honored the sons of Adam". That is why, the selling of the human body, its organs or blood is forbidden. May Allah Give us strength and courage to help each other. 


All photographs © AWM Blood Donor Society unless otherwise stated. All text © AWM Blood Donor Society. All rights reserved.

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