Abdul Waheed (Late)

Abdul Waheed Memorial Blood Donor Society

In Memory Of My Beloved Father Who Always Wanted To Help Others In Time Of Need & Inspired Me To Do The Same. May Allah Have Mercy On His Soul & May He Always Rest In Peace. Do Pray for My Father, Me & The Blood Donor Team for this Humble Effort.-- Regards, Usman Waheed Chaudry


Abdul Waheed Memorial Blood Donor Society Dedication !

Dear All

In order to help our community we decided to setup a system which is beneficial to people who are in need of blood due to medical emergencies. It has been noticed that usually it takes a lot of time to find a person with the required blood group, the normal process or practice is to call or sms people in family or friends for help who then call or sms other people in order to find the desired blood group. This is very time consuming and sometimes in critical situations cause irrecoverable loss.

Blood is very important in many medical situations such as serious accidents, organ transplants, major surgery and supporting patients with blood-related disease like haemophilia and thalassaemia. Most hospitals and medical centres are always having a shortage of blood due to a lack of donors which often results in delayed surgeries and treatment, which can lead to complications and even death in patients.

Just as you would want aid from others in time of emergency, it is important that we help to save the lives of others as well.

This Blood Donation Society is our humble effort to save precious time and arrange blood to people who are in need and facilitate as many people as we can all over Pakistan. It works as an information bearing database of blood donors, so anyone can easily use it as a Platform and can manage this society's website on their own, and help people in their own cities or areas all over Pakistan. 
We appeal to you in sake of humanity to be a part of this blood donation society because the more people join the more there will be chances to arrange for blood.

Remember, only your contribution can make it a success and can save countless lives.

May Allah give us strength to help each other. Ameen !

All photographs © AWM Blood Donor Society unless otherwise stated. All text © AWM Blood Donor Society. All rights reserved.

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